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Homer's Iliad (NFT #2/10)


Iliad by Ancient Memes
Edition 0 of 3
10% royalties


Achilleas – Hector 1-0 away game

The Trojan War is going well (or badly, it is war after all) with the Achaeans against the Trojans. The one moment, the Achaeans are leading, the next the Trojans. Sometimes it looks like it will go into overtime and other times as if it will go to a rematch. One of the highlights of the war is the death of Patroclos at the hand of Hector, giving the advantage to the Trojans. Achilles sees red and avenges his friend by swiftly finishing off Hector. And if that’s not enough, he won’t give back Hector’s body so they can bury him; not until his father, King Priamos, breaks down and begs. Not only does he get back Hector’s corpse, but he also orders an eleven-day time out to honor the deceased. What a guy, huh?